DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.45.11036
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Excitons in quantum dots with parabolic confinement

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Cited by 173 publications
(104 citation statements)
References 20 publications
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“…In bulk, the two oppositely charged particles can be strongly correlated by the Coulomb interaction and bound as hydrogenic states (Wannier-Mott exciton). Although finding binding energies and wavefunctions for the single exciton case is a difficult problem in various geometries, 14,15,16 as far as the vacuum coupling limit is concerned, the exciton field operator which links the two manifolds H 1 and vacuum always assumes the simple form σ + regardless of the details of the exciton. As a particle constituted of two fermions, the exciton is commonly regarded as a boson, from consideration of the angular momentum addition rules and the spin-statistics theorem.…”
Section: Excitons As Quasi-particlesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In bulk, the two oppositely charged particles can be strongly correlated by the Coulomb interaction and bound as hydrogenic states (Wannier-Mott exciton). Although finding binding energies and wavefunctions for the single exciton case is a difficult problem in various geometries, 14,15,16 as far as the vacuum coupling limit is concerned, the exciton field operator which links the two manifolds H 1 and vacuum always assumes the simple form σ + regardless of the details of the exciton. As a particle constituted of two fermions, the exciton is commonly regarded as a boson, from consideration of the angular momentum addition rules and the spin-statistics theorem.…”
Section: Excitons As Quasi-particlesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In this work we shall be concerned with resonant optical pumping, so that excitations are created in pairs and the system always remains electrically neutral. We shall describe as an exciton any state of an electron-hole pair, whether it is an atom-like 1s state or has both particles independently quantised, 15 and in a more general sense we shall also use the term for any combination of particles which takes part in the excitonic phase. Indeed the excitonic phase with more than one pair requires at the most accurate level a description in terms of an excitonic complex, e.g., in term of biexcitons/bipolaritons for strong coupling of two electrons and two holes with light 20 .…”
Section: Excitons As Quasi-particlesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The in-plane potential acting on holes is taken to be an analytical function of ρ and comprise the main parabolic term [48][49][50] and a cubic correction describing the trigonal warping, namely,…”
Section: Quantization Of the Hole Motion In The Pyramidal Quantum Dotmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] The dependence of the recombination rates of neutral exciton, biexciton, and multiexciton complexes on Coulomb interactions has been also described in a number of papers. [24][25][26][27][28][29][30] Much less is known about the recombination rates of positively ͑X + ͒ and negatively ͑X − ͒ charged excitons ͑trions͒. 20,31,32 This is nonetheless an interesting problem.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%