“…Dynamic graphs are often visualized using animation, timeline‐based static visualizations [BBDW14] or hybrid approaches such as DiffAni, which combines the first two with a difference representation [RM13] Timeline‐based approaches, so far, have only looked at the transition of graphs and considered the community structure as stable [BVB*11, GBD09]. In contrast, for animated diagrams, the evolution of communities has already been visualized: in addition to colour‐coding vertices, the drawing space can be partitioned into (not necessarily connected) regions [HKV12, MKH12], convex (potentially overlapping) shapes [FT04, KG06] or nested boxes displaying a cluster hierarchy [MELS95, RPD09]. However, animation can lead to high cognitive load [APP11]; it is difficult to follow multiple community transitions happening at the same time and to track communities or individuals across longer periods.…”