“…The remarkable properties of graphene and its derivatives open up promising avenues in various elds, including optoelectronic devices, catalysts, photocatalysis, transistors, nanoelectromechanical devices, nanoscale devices, gas sensors, and photodetectors. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] In addition, the research on the gas response in 2D nanomaterials like C 3 N, 21 InN, 22 GaN, 23 TI 2 O, 24 AlN, [25][26][27] SiGe, 28 BN, [29][30][31] GaS, GaSe, 32 silicene, 33 SnSe, 34 BNNTs, 35 InP, 36 and borospherene 37,38 has been developed in recent decades.…”