We use a two-orbital double-exchange model including Jahn-Teller lattice distortions, superexchange interactions, and long-range Coulomb (LRC) interactions to investigate the origin of magnetically disordered interfaces between ferromagnetic metallic (FM) and antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) manganites in FM/AFI superlattices. The induced magnetic moment in the AFI layer varies non-monotonically with increasing AFI layer width as seen in the experiment. We provide a framework for understanding this non-monotonic behavior which has a one-to-one correspondence with the magnetization of the FM interface. The obtained insights provide a basis for improving the tunneling magnetoresistance in FM/AFI manganite superlattices by avoiding a magnetic dead layer (MDL) in the FM manganite.The FM manganites have emerged as potential candidates for spintronics devices 1,2 due to their high spin polarization 3,4 .For the future generation of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) artificial trilayers of insulating metal oxides sandwiched between FM manganites are currently designed. In MTJs a large tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) 5 is observed by switching the spin orientation in the FM leads from antiparallel to parallel configurations; the TMR is defined by the ratio (R AP − R P )/R P where R AP and R P are the resistances for antiparallel and parallel orientations, respectively 6 . Although SrTiO 3 is predominantly used as the insulator between La 0.67 Sr 0.33 MnO 3 (LSMO) layers, also other combinations of FM and NMI oxides (FM = LSMO, La 0.67 Ca 0.33 MnO 3 (LCMO); NMI = TiO 2 , LaAlO 3 , NdGaO 3 ) have also been tested for their performance 7-10 .TMR is a spin dependent process which critically depends on the magnetic and the electronic properties of the interface between FM manganites and the insulating material 1 . In such a spin sensitive device it is required to have a structurally and magnetically well defined interface. It is an experimental fact that the magnetization of FM manganites decreases at the interface below its bulk value 11 , the origin of which is not well understood. The reduction of the magnetization at the interface, usually referred to as the 'magnetic dead layer' (MDL) 8,9 has an adverse effect on the TMR by decreasing the tunneling current, which by itself should be large for device applications. A recent microscopic analysis 12 suggests that the decrease of the double-exchange energy at an FM/SrTiO 3 interface is the origin of the MDL. The possible coexistence of different magnetic phases at the interface is however not accessible from such an analysis.The reduction of the magnetization has been attributed to phase separation, and/or electronic and magnetic reconstructions due to structural inhomogeneities at the interface. Unlike at the surface of FM manganites 3 it is a difficult task to determine the electronic and structural changes at interfaces which are several nanometers below the surface. To minimize disorder and strain effects isostructural interfaces are favorable. In a different approach...