“…However, the actual returns generated by IAH assets (net of the bank's profit share and provision for IAH assets, hereafter "contractual" returns) may be less than the benchmark rate, causing Islamic banks to subsidise cash returns paid to IAHs (AAOIFI, 1999). The ongoing practice of smoothing cash returns to IAHs using subsidies (as well as reserves) is confirmed by recent literature examining this practice across different jurisdictions (see Hamza, 2016;Suandi, 2017;Lassoued et al, 2018;Zainuldin and Lui, 2018;Toumi et al, 2018). As a result of DCR, the rate of return risk manifesting in IAH assets, which should vest with IAHs, is displaced to bank shareholders, giving rise to a potentially deleterious impact on bank capital if shareholders subsidise the returns paid to IAHs using their own capital.…”