Klinische Psychiatrie 1960
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-12158-0_14
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Die symptomatischen Psychosen

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Cited by 23 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 124 publications
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“…In contrast, I have proposed that Berze, Conrad, Binswanger, Blankenburg, Ey, Straus and numerous other psychiatrists in the phenomenological tradition (with regard to whom Louis Sass claims, incorrectly I believe, direct lineal descent) describe schizophrenia completely differently as a Dionysian illness [ 1 , 80 , 82 , 92 ]. For example, the phenomenological psychiatrist, Conrad [ 93 ] characterizes the paranoid delusional patient in a world between waking and sleeping , "a world of fluctuating Gestalten, concerning which up to this point, the poet has much more knowledgeable things to say than the psychologist" p. 378, my translation. As schizophrenia for Conrad is a being "caught between sleep and wakefulness," double bookkeeping is not some intellectual indulgence, an intensifying of intact rational or attentional processes, an ability to detach and participate willy-nilly in two worlds by straddling them.…”
Section: Operative Hyper-reflexivity and The Myth Of The Apollonianmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In contrast, I have proposed that Berze, Conrad, Binswanger, Blankenburg, Ey, Straus and numerous other psychiatrists in the phenomenological tradition (with regard to whom Louis Sass claims, incorrectly I believe, direct lineal descent) describe schizophrenia completely differently as a Dionysian illness [ 1 , 80 , 82 , 92 ]. For example, the phenomenological psychiatrist, Conrad [ 93 ] characterizes the paranoid delusional patient in a world between waking and sleeping , "a world of fluctuating Gestalten, concerning which up to this point, the poet has much more knowledgeable things to say than the psychologist" p. 378, my translation. As schizophrenia for Conrad is a being "caught between sleep and wakefulness," double bookkeeping is not some intellectual indulgence, an intensifying of intact rational or attentional processes, an ability to detach and participate willy-nilly in two worlds by straddling them.…”
Section: Operative Hyper-reflexivity and The Myth Of The Apollonianmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This is not the detachment from too much intellect or lack of emotion. It is rather precisely the inability to distance , or separate from (i.e., transcend) what Conrad [ 93 , 6 ] calls the physiognomic expressiveness of the hallucinatory "pre-Gestalt" ( Vorgestalt ) during paranoid psychosis and hypnagogic experiences. Moreover, it is not the detachment resulting from too much intellect or lack of emotion, a hyper-reflexive " solipsism " [ 90 ], see [ 71 ] for review.…”
Section: Operative Hyper-reflexivity and The Myth Of The Apollonianmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Differing views have been expressed on the differential diagnosis between secondary mania and spontaneous hypomania/mania within a manic-depressive illness. Conrad [1972] considered a hypomanic syndrome as an unspecific, ultimately cerebral psychic reaction analogous to the BonhoefTer type of acute exogenous reaction, as long as no man ic-depressive illness was detected in the indi vidual case. Robins and Guze [1972] spoke of secondary mania if a given case was positive for any 'other previous or concurrent psy chiatric illness'.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Vor allem der Umstand, dass bei einem Kranken in der Längsschnittbeobachtung praktisch alle Phänomene psychischen Krankseins auftreten können, die im allgemeinen als die unterschiedlichen Syndrome verschiedener nosologischer Entitäten angesehen werden, verlangt nach einer flexibleren Betrachtensweise. Hierzu bietet sich das Konzept von Conrad an, wie er es in seinem Bei trag «Die symptomatischen Psychosen» in der «Psychiatrie der Gegen wart» [12] dargelegt hat. Diese Ansichten von Conrad haben enge Ver wandtschaft zu den Vorstellungen von Ey, auf die hier jedoch nicht näher eingegangen werden kann.…”
Section: Bericht üBer Einen Krankheitsfallunclassified