“…In contrast, I have proposed that Berze, Conrad, Binswanger, Blankenburg, Ey, Straus and numerous other psychiatrists in the phenomenological tradition (with regard to whom Louis Sass claims, incorrectly I believe, direct lineal descent) describe schizophrenia completely differently as a Dionysian illness [ 1 , 80 , 82 , 92 ]. For example, the phenomenological psychiatrist, Conrad [ 93 ] characterizes the paranoid delusional patient in a world between waking and sleeping , "a world of fluctuating Gestalten, concerning which up to this point, the poet has much more knowledgeable things to say than the psychologist" p. 378, my translation. As schizophrenia for Conrad is a being "caught between sleep and wakefulness," double bookkeeping is not some intellectual indulgence, an intensifying of intact rational or attentional processes, an ability to detach and participate willy-nilly in two worlds by straddling them.…”