1. Introduction. For a given elliptic curve E defined over Q possessing a 2-torsion point, we denote by Sel 2 (E/Q) the 2-Selmer group of E over Q. While it is known that the order of Sel 2 (E/Q) can be arbitrarily large (cf.[1], [11]), the study of its average value has attracted the attention of some authors. For instance, with purely analytic tools, , [8]) studied the congruent number curves and his results provide very good understanding of the distribution of the orders of 2-Selmer groups of such curves. In particular, the main results of [7], [8] imply the existence of a positive proportion of rank 0 congruent number curves. In [14], we investigated the average order of the 2-Selmer groups of the elliptic curves over Q given by the equation