“…Despite the intriguing biosynthetic and structural properties of these Spiraea atisine‐type alkaloids and related diterpenes, there are no reports on their total syntheses. To date, successful total syntheses towards atisane diterpenes and atisine diterpenoid alkaloids have been limited to some relatively uncomplicated compounds, such as methyl atisenoate,7a–d antiquorin,7e atisine or isoatisine ( 4 ),7d,f–k and azitine 7l. In continuation of our long‐standing interest in the chemistry of diterpenoid alkaloids,8 we wish to describe herein the first total syntheses of several atisane‐ and atisine‐type compounds with more highly oxidized skeletons including spiramilactone B ( 6 ), spiraminol ( 5 ), spiramines C and D ( 1 , 2 ), and dihydroajaconine ( 3 ), using a unified synthetic strategy that is distinctly different from previous approaches.…”