“…Thermal strains induce near-surface thermal stresses, which are recognized as an important agent in various processes. For example, the thermal stress in ice cover is important for dam design (Petrich et al, 2015), can cause large-scale fractures in sea ice (Bazant, 1992;Evans & Untersteiner, 1971;Lewis, 1994;Xie & Farmer, 1991) and lake ice (Carmichael et al, 2012), is responsible for polygon formation in permafrost Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 10.1029/2018JF004848 on Earth and Mars (Lachenbruch, 1962;Levy et al, 2009;Mellon, 1997;O'Neill & Christiansen, 2018), and is suggested to be an important erosion process on cometary surfaces and the Moon (e.g., Attree et al, 2017). Sanderson (1978) conducted analytic investigations of thermal stresses near glacial surfaces and concluded that (i) in the upper 3 m of the ice, thermal stresses dominate those originating from the overburden pressure and from the gross deformation; (ii) tensile fracture cannot develop in pure ice due to its high tensile strength, unless assisted by stress concentrations at heterogeneities; and (iii) such fractures are more likely to form in weaker firn and snow.…”