DOI: 10.1177/1357633x221119610
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Dementia ECHO: Evaluation of a telementoring programme to increase dementia knowledge and skills in First Nations-led health services

Abstract: Introduction High rates of dementia among Australian First Nations’ peoples have resulted in an increased demand for dementia knowledge and skills among the primary health care professionals in these communities. The Dementia Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) program aims to be a culturally safe way of increasing local health workforce capacity by facilitating dementia knowledge, skills and confidence among primary care professionals in First Nations community settings. Dementia ECHO is based … Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 24 publications
(30 reference statements)
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“…A capacitação em demência é importante para o aperfeiçoamento das competências no cuidado dos idosos e na aquisição de novos conhecimentos e novas informações. Estudos internacionais mostram que realizar capacitação em demência proporciona aos profissionais maior conhecimento sobre o assunto, com a�tude posi�va e resultado no cuidado frente a estes pacientes (Haydon et al, 2022). A falta de capacitação é considerada uma causa das dificuldades encontradas no manejo levando os idosos nesta fase mais grave da demência aos cuidados palia�vos (Santos et al, 2016).…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…A capacitação em demência é importante para o aperfeiçoamento das competências no cuidado dos idosos e na aquisição de novos conhecimentos e novas informações. Estudos internacionais mostram que realizar capacitação em demência proporciona aos profissionais maior conhecimento sobre o assunto, com a�tude posi�va e resultado no cuidado frente a estes pacientes (Haydon et al, 2022). A falta de capacitação é considerada uma causa das dificuldades encontradas no manejo levando os idosos nesta fase mais grave da demência aos cuidados palia�vos (Santos et al, 2016).…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…A number of specific issues predispose rural and remote areas to greater impacts of dementia, namely rapid population ageing associated with outmigration of younger adults, growing preferences for affected adults to remain in familiar homes and communities, higher rates of dementia risk factors, and limited access to diagnostic and treatment services 4 . In addition, the prevalence of dementia is three to five times higher in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (henceforth, respectfully referred to as ‘Indigenous Australians’) compared to the general Australian population 5–9 . With 61% of Indigenous Australians living in regional, rural and remote areas, and life expectancy increasing, the burden of dementia among this population will continue to grow 10 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…4 In addition, the prevalence of dementia is three to five times higher in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (henceforth, respectfully referred to as 'Indigenous Australians') compared to the general Australian population. [5][6][7][8][9] With 61% of Indigenous Australians living in regional, rural and remote areas, and life expectancy increasing, the burden of dementia among this population will continue to grow. 10 Indigenous Australians already experience disproportionately poorer health outcomes compared to other Australians, and are impacted by enduring effects of colonisation, systemic racism, intergenerational trauma and social disadvantage.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%