DOI: 10.7577/nbf.2622
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De yngste barna som vegfarere i barnehagen

Abstract: Artikkelen fokuserer på de yngste barnas læringsprosesser gjennom deres involvering og engasjement med sosiale og fysiske omgivelser i barnehagen. Det løftes fram hvordan barnekropper i bevegelse er kilde for erkjennelse og læring. Som utgangspunkt for analysen har vi valgt to eksempler fra barns aktivitet i barnehagens uteområde. Forsker har vært tilstede som deltakende observatør, og inngått som en del av konteksten barnas bevegelse og aktivitet foregår i. Tim Ingolds begrep vegfaring (wayfaring) anvendes i … Show more

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Cited by 12 publications
(19 citation statements)
References 15 publications
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“…In this kind of perspective, the educator's role will be to lead the child out into the world and to participate in their exploration, rather than transmitting information about the world to the child (Ingold, 2018). This approach to teaching and learning is a reminder that learning can be more than simply transmitting predefined knowledge (Myrstad & Sverdrup, 2019). Highlighting these processes as significant can be an element in what Ødegaard (2021) identifies as the signature pedagogy of the kindergarten, in which exploration is the primary feature in developing sustainable practices.…”
Section: Discussion: Learning In and With Snowmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In this kind of perspective, the educator's role will be to lead the child out into the world and to participate in their exploration, rather than transmitting information about the world to the child (Ingold, 2018). This approach to teaching and learning is a reminder that learning can be more than simply transmitting predefined knowledge (Myrstad & Sverdrup, 2019). Highlighting these processes as significant can be an element in what Ødegaard (2021) identifies as the signature pedagogy of the kindergarten, in which exploration is the primary feature in developing sustainable practices.…”
Section: Discussion: Learning In and With Snowmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…To shed light on this question, we will focus on children's direct encounters with their surroundings in the outside areas of the kindergarten. Learning with and in addresses the children's ways of being in the world (Ingold, 2000;Myrstad & Sverdrup, 2019;Springgay & Truman, 2018), in which the learner is entangled with diverse aspects of their social, physical and (im-)material surroundings through large and small movements. We refer to the interaction of a kindergarten child with a snowy landscape: how their feet move in the snow at the same time as the snow moves the feet, or -as in the above vignette -how the snow crystals touch the tongue, and the tongue touches the snow crystals.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The roles that physical activity and movement (should) play in children's lives and policy documents in ECEC settings have been discussed in previous studies (Lu & Montague, 2016;Pedersen & Fusche Moe, 2020). On the basis of the research stud ies in the Norwegian context that focused on children's movement/physical activ ity, such as those of Løkken (2000), Nilsen et al (2019), Myrstad and Sverdrup (2019), Pedersen and Fusche Moe (2020), Rossholt (2012), Fjørtoft et al (2018), Bjørgen (2017) and Sando et al (2020), we can argue that an enlarged focus on young children's movement/physical activity has more benefits than just the physi cal health aspect. Pedersen and Fusche Moe (2020) pointed out the World Health Organization's (WHO) concern about children's lives being increasingly organized and more sedentary than ever before (WHO, 2019).…”
Section: Conceptualizing Bodily Movementsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…As such, the dimension of qualification might be left out. However, there is a contemporary trend involving nature as a co-learner, for example, in eco-cultural conversations (Dickinson, 2016) or through the influence of place: learning in the world rather than about the world (Sverdrup & Myrstad, 2019). With an emphasis on the value of childhood and play in nature, it might be postulated that such situations imply a higher degree of autonomy for the children, suggesting a larger contribution from the children, which we frame within the dimension of good governance.…”
Section: Ecological Sustainabilitymentioning
confidence: 99%