Overpotential measurements for the Fe + + +/Fe + + couple on passive Ni, Fe, and Ti, were carried out in solutions of fixed ionic strength but of varying pH. Tafel lines were generally obtained with exchange currents between 10 -7 and 10 -5 amp/cm 2 and cathodic transfer coefficients of about 0.45. The anodic transfer coefficients were less, particularly with Ti and Fe electrodes. A limiting anodic current, which was unrelated to diffusion of Fe + + ion in solution, was observed under certain conditions on Fe and Ti. The contribution of ionic current to the total current through the film is negligible in most cases. In general, the passive film has rectifying properties, the easy direction of electron flow being from metal to solution. This rectification is additional to the usual Faradaic rectification observed with most electrochemical reactions. The apparent transfer coefficients, calculated from the anodic and cathodic polarization curves, yield sums significantly less than unity. The results demonstrate the existence of a potential drop across the passive film, the magnitude of which depends on the thickness and composition of the film.The electrochemical cell was described previously (9). Potentials were measured through a Luggin-Haber capillary probe 0.05 cm OD placed 0.10 cm