“…1) has been investigated since 1986 (see Probst et al, 1990 for further details) and has been previously monitored to study the effects of acid rain on a forested ecosystem, particularly on the hydrochemistry of surface waters and weathering (Probst et al, 1987(Probst et al, , 1992a(Probst et al, ,b, 1995a. This site was progressively instrumented and many geochemical, mineralogical and biological studies have been performed (Dambrine et al, 1995;Fichter et al, 1998;Amiotte-Suchet et al, 1999;Idir et al, 1999;Riotte and Chabaux, 1999;Probst et al, 2000;Ladouche et al, 2001;Aubert et al, 2001).…”