DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2016.1168534
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Criminality and Sexual Behaviours in Substance Dependents Seeking Treatment

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the link between violence, crime, and sexual behavior among patients with substance-related disorder admitted to a specialized inpatient care unit. This was a cross-sectional study using a questionnaire on socio-demographic characteristics, drug of choice (DOC), questions about sexual behavior, and instruments to evaluate the severity of dependence (SADD, DAST, FTND), level of impulsivity (BIS-11), and a screening sex addiction scale. The sample consisted of 587 adult s… Show more

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Cited by 18 publications
(19 citation statements)
References 46 publications
(94 reference statements)
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“…Results of our study revealed that patients with substance dependence like drug use were highly associated with violent behaviors, similar to the results of a study by Diehl et al [8]. Possession of a firearm was documented in the records we analyzed, but results of the association analysis did not detect a significant correlation between firearm possession alone with the odds of violence.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 88%
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“…Results of our study revealed that patients with substance dependence like drug use were highly associated with violent behaviors, similar to the results of a study by Diehl et al [8]. Possession of a firearm was documented in the records we analyzed, but results of the association analysis did not detect a significant correlation between firearm possession alone with the odds of violence.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 88%
“…Use of substances, such as alcohol and drugs, has been linked with a direct increase in risks of violent incidents in psychiatric patients [3, 6, 7]. Diehl et al [8] showed that violent crime was strongly associated with various sexual behaviors and the severity of substance dependence [8], which are clinical manifestations of positive valence systems [9]. Several studies concluded that patients with psychiatric disorders commit serious crimes more frequently compared to normal patients without psychiatric disorders [3, 10–14].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Diehl et al [18] zeigten in ihrer Studie, dass bei den 587 Personen, die wegen Drogenproblemen in Behandlung waren, ca. ¼ schon einmal mit den Justizbehörden zu tun hatten, 26,8 % eine Straftat begangen und 19,3 % gewalttätige Verhaltensweisen gezeigt hatten.…”
Section: Substanzbedingte Störungen Und Sexualstraftatenunclassified
“…In der von Seto et al [24] gnostischen Beurteilung von Sexualstraftätern eine Schlüsselrolle innehaben [11-13, 30, 31]. Bezogen auf sexuelle Sucht, substanzbedingte Störungen sowie Sexualstraftaten fanden sich in der vorliegenden Literatursuche lediglich 2 Studien, welche die Frage nach möglichen Zusammenhängen dezidiert untersucht haben [28,29] sowie eine Studie [18], die sich mit allgemein delinquentem Verhalten und nicht spezifisch Sexualstraftaten beschäftigte.…”
Section: Substanzbedingte Störungen Und Sexualstraftatenunclassified
“…As a matter of fact, more far-reaching than drug abuse per se, Brown et al (2009) have suggested that neurocognitive and psychobiological individual signatures could be better predictors of DUI behavior, allowing for the identification of a cluster of individuals that could probably manifest more than one violent and/or risk-taking behavior during their lifetimes. In this sense, Brazilian studies with drug users have shown associations of levels of impulsivity, childhood trauma, certain psychiatric comorbidities with criminal involvement/violent behaviors (Diehl et al, 2016;Kessler et al, 2012aKessler et al, , 2012bKrawczyk et al, 2015), but very little data have been published about the possible association between these variables and DUI engagement in developing countries.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%