“…[12] The primary energy deposited into the near-Earth environment by magnetic reconnection events at the magnetopause is dissipation of downgoing Poynting flux into the ionosphere-thermosphere where, by ion frictional drag heating (or equivalently Joule heating as per Thayer and Semeter [2004, Appendix A]), the Poynting flux that is not reflected is nearly all passed into the ultimate heat sink, the thermosphere [Carlson, 2012;Carlson et al, 2012]. Strong plasma flow shears have been known to be common in the cusp for a considerable time [e.g., Pinnock et al, 1993Pinnock et al, , 1995Oksavik et al, 2004aOksavik et al, , 2004bOksavik et al, , 2005Rinne et al, 2007Rinne et al, , 2010Rinne et al, , 2011Moen et al, 2008Moen et al, , 2012aMoen et al, , 2012b. Energy is also deposited by the background cusp particle precipitation, as well as transient injection of electrons and ions precipitating from the newly opened magnetic flux tubes.…”