Mining in Brazil is one of the pillars that support its GDP (gross domestic product). Its execution requires technique and expertise. In a mining venture, the value chain drives the business to achieve its goals. Mine planning has a great influence on its performance, as it is through it that the organization is based to offer its products to the market and, consequently, the low compliance with the established premises will bring undesirable inconveniences. Within the planning, the short term is dedicated to operationalize the plans made possible by the long and medium term teams, in addition to attending to market variations. The indicators that control this process are of great importance, as an incorrect identification inserted in the various criteria that compose it can guide managers towards inefficient decision making. The objective of this study was, through lean methodology, to identify the main performance indicators that impact on the non-exception of the mining plan measured by the adherence and compliance indicators. In this method, the main causes of non-adherence and compliance with the mining plan were identified, enabling short and medium-term actions that leveraged the indicators. This study leveraged the average adherence and compliance by 17% and 54.9%, respectively, exceeding the target set for 6.5% and 49.2% respectively.