The field of family violence, although rapidly expanding, remains characterized by large gaps in knowledge regarding both etiology and effective tmatment strategies. The purpose of this article Is to integrate diverse msearch efforts In order t o better understand the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of interpartner violence. Identilied limitations include problems with detinition, and the lack of integrated, multidimensional axplanatory theories, well-controlled treatment outcome studies, and relational-level an-. Identified strengths include the development of typologies and advances in measurement of I n t e~r r o n d violence. The underlying thema of this article is that an integrated effort, incorporating basic research and clinical innovation, Individual and Interactional perspectives, and differing theomtical orientations and advocacy positions, holds the greatest promise for effectively Impacting this problem. domastic violenca, family violence, spouse abuse, Interpersonal violence, batterer. [ C / h Key wods: m c h d S C~ P~c 2:377-348, 79951In the past decade we have witnessed a heightened public awareness of the frequency of domestic violence and its deleterious effects on individual and family well-being.