“…Since then it has been found throughout the central and peripheral nervous system (Takano et al, 1986;Duggan et at., 1990); in various endocrine glands such as pancreas of mice (Bailey eta]., 1986), rat anterior pituitary (Jonassen et al, 1987) and mammalian thyroid gland (Grunditz et al, 1987), and in other tissues, such as rat heart (Wang et al, 1989), guinea-pig and rat urinary bladder (Maggi et al, 1988), guinea-pig lung (Saria et at., 1984), guinea-pig ureter (Hua et at., 1986), guinea-pig taenia coli (Shuttleworth et al, I991), and metastatic ileal carcinoid tumour Theodorsson-Norheim, 1987). (1990) and Basile et al (1992), using a radioimmunoassay, demonstrated that neurokinin A is also present in rat adrenal and bovine adrenal medulla *To whom correspondence should be addressed. (1990) and Basile et al (1992), using a radioimmunoassay, demonstrated that neurokinin A is also present in rat adrenal and bovine adrenal medulla *To whom correspondence should be addressed.…”