“…The diagnosed CRF patients were taken from the out patient department of Nephrology, BSMMU, who fulfill the inclusion criteria-CRF patients with anemia having hemoglobin concentration < 12gm / dl and Ccr30-50ml/min, Ccr16-29ml/ min, Ccr5-15ml/min respectively used to classify CRF patients with anemia into mild, moderate, severe CRF patients 6,8 Apparently healthy subjects were selected from the kidney donors attending out patient department of nephrology, BSMMU. CRF patients with history of kidney transplantation, liver disease, nonrenal origin of anemia (previous history of GIT bleeding, malignancy, chronic TB), history of erythropoietin therapyand history of blood transfusion during last three months [10][11][12] were excluded from the study.…”