“…The framework of design research recommends that tests of instructional interventions are best implemented as a means to see the effects of instructional materials in realistic settings (Reeves et al, 2005). This particular research study provided an opportunity to look at different aspects of the CATHIE environment in terms of simulation design (e.g., Alessi, 1988;Cannon & Burns, 1999;de Jong & Van Joolingen, 1998;Thurman, 1993), design of interactive multimedia (e.g., Deubel, 2003;Park & Hannafin, 1993) and training for empathetic communication skills in a situated learning environment (e.g., Brown et al, 1989;Carkhuff, 1969;Fugua & Gade, 1982;Ivey, 1994;Roffers et al, 1988). Results from these assessments will be used to guide future research and development of the CATHIE system and further explorations of empirically-guided design principles in simulation and interactive multimedia design.…”