“…Empirical applications of the well‐known theory of reasoned action (TRA; Fishbein & Ajzen, ) and its extensions—namely, the theory of planned behavior (TPB; Ajzen, ) and the TAMs (Davis, )—suggest that favorable attitudes toward a given technology positively influence people's intentions to use it (Bhattacherjee & Premkumar, ; Lee, Cheung, & Chen, ; Shih, ). This influence has been confirmed for common technologies—for example, Internet technology (Fogelgren‐Pedersen, Anderson, & Jelbo, ; Lu, Yaob, & Yua, ) and mobile advertising (Izquierdo‐Yusta, Olarte‐Pascual, & Reinares‐Lara, ; Soroa‐Koury & Yang, )—as well as for medical technologies, such as home medical technology (e.g., blood glucose monitoring devices; Gaul & Ziefle, ), biomedical technologies (e.g., tissue engineering; Park, Kim, & Kwon, ), and genetic testing (Wade et al., 2012).…”