Pregnancy and labor are stress factors for every woman. A high majority of mothers can encounter difficulty in accommodating themselves to their new lives post child birth. Since knowing about their pregnancy, they have some worries and fears regarding themselves, the newborns, and the course of this period (1).Vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery are the two different ways and experience of childbirth. Mothers can have concerns and preferences related to the type of delivery due to their prior knowledge gained from health staff or their environment.According to the 2014 health statistics, the rate of cesarean delivery in Turkey is 51%, which is quite high. However, the rate recommended by the World Health Organization is 15% (2). The Turkish Ministry of Health is continually attempting to reduce the rate of cesarean delivery. Voluntary cesarean delivery was legally prohibited. As a part of these attempts, an education on obstetrical emergencies is provided to gynecologists and pregnancy schools aiming to prepare parturients for labor and inform expectant mothers on this issue (3-5).The rate of cesarean delivery, which affects a mothers physical and mental health states, without any compulsory medical indication, is increasing due to reasons, such as fear of giving birth; demand for not feeling pain; notion that perineal floor will be protected against trauma and the possibility of urinary incontinence will decrease correspondingly; prejudice that cesarean delivery is more healthy for the newborn; physician's preference and direction; being able to plan the time of labor; avoiding legal and social problems that can occur as a result of complicated labor; and lack of experience in interventional vaginal delivery (3-9).The physical results of cesarean delivery are the requirement of cesarean in subsequent pregnancies, placental adherence anomalies, cesarean scar pregnancy, anesthetic and surgical complications, more blood loss, neonatal prematurity and related problems, and respiratory problems (7, 8, 10).Has Delivery Method any Influence on the Postpartum Mood of the Mother? Postpartum SCL-90-R Objective: This study investigated the influence of the birth type to mothers earlypostpartum emotional emotional status Methods: SCL-90-R psychological test was performed in 50 patients who had cesarean section and 50 patients who had vaginal delivery. SCL-90-R consist of ten sub-scales: somatization, obsessive-compulsive disorder, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and a category of additional items. The subscale scores of the scale are obtained by dividing the score values of the answers given to the relevant items by the number of items forming the subscale. The points of all 90 items (0-4 points per item) were added and divided by 90 to obtain the general score. Patients with scores above 1 were considered to have a psychological problem. All test subtitles and total test values were statistically compared with the Student's-t test and Mann-Whi...