“…Because these vascular plants are broadly distributed in shallow estuarine or coastal marine waters, they are exposed to a wide array of natural and anthropogenic stressors that can be detrimental (BOLOGNA, 2006;BORTONE, 2000;KENNISH, 2002aKENNISH, , 2002bKENNISH et al, 2007;KENWORTHY et al, 2001;SHORT and WYLLIE-ECHEVERRIA, 1996;VALIELA, 2006). For example, nutrient enrichment, turbidity, prop scarring by boats, sediment influx from coastal watersheds, and infection by Labyrinthula zosterae (i.e., wasting disease) have all contributed to seagrass decline (DEN HARTOG, 1987;HAUXWELL, CEBRIAN, and VAL-IELA, 2003;KENNISH, 2002b;LIVINGSTON, 2002;ORTH et al, 2006).…”