2010 Second International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle 2010
DOI: 10.1109/valid.2010.22
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Approaching Performance Testing from a Model-Based Testing Perspective

Abstract: The paper introduces the concept of model-based performance testing, which we plan to pursue in our research. The underlying idea is to describe various performance aspects as well as functional aspects of a software system using modeling languages like UML, and from the resulting models to automatically design tests that can be used for performance testing. In our research, we also plan to focus on how the modeling and traceability of performance requirements can be achieved across the testing process.

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Cited by 7 publications
(10 citation statements)
References 12 publications
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“…From the industry perspective, the performance testing process is usually very expensive, regarding infrastructure resources and generation of test scenarios and scripts [AT10]. Another significant gap to be highlighted is the lack of non-functional performance requirements in the system analysis, in addition to the absence of a standard documentation among the stakeholders about the problem domain, allowing a common understanding and interpretation of goals and aims of the system.…”
Section: Research Question: "How To Improve Model-based Performance Tmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…From the industry perspective, the performance testing process is usually very expensive, regarding infrastructure resources and generation of test scenarios and scripts [AT10]. Another significant gap to be highlighted is the lack of non-functional performance requirements in the system analysis, in addition to the absence of a standard documentation among the stakeholders about the problem domain, allowing a common understanding and interpretation of goals and aims of the system.…”
Section: Research Question: "How To Improve Model-based Performance Tmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…If not, the version is implanted in a performance environment to perform the load and stress testing. Some applications depend on the complexity of the production environment and the volume of infrastructure applied, given the high-level costs to maintain the replicated environment [AT10]. Lately, since the application attends to quality requirements established, e.g.…”
Section: Research Contextmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In this work, a test generation methodology is proposed to evaluate the impact of the interaction of wireless network quality and application configurations on the performance behaviour of mobile networked applications. We adopt a system‐level black‐box model‐based testing (MBT) approach . MBT is “a variant of testing that relies on explicit behavior models that encode the intended behaviors of software under test (SUT) and/or the behavior of its environment.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Abstracting software behaviour and/or the environment affecting this behaviour has many benefits for the whole development process. It allows focusing on certain aspects of the system and overlooking the less important ones (divide and conquer) . Another advantage of MBT is the automation of test case generation.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Nowadays, the increasing complexity of software systems creates new challenges for safety, where quality and reliability are highly required, but are difficult to be ensured. Testing is a necessary way to ensure the correctness of software systems in practice and to monitor if systems operate properly or not [1,9]. Written test programs should include a description of the functionality that needs to be tested.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%