“…Surveys have shown that many more farmers are willing to operate in more nature-friendly ways (Bouma et al, 2019;Runhaar et al, 2018;Trouw, 2018). Yet, a large majority faces structural barriers to switch to nature-inclusive farming styles, including unclarity about what is exactly expected from farmers, high debts and sunk investments inhibiting change, limited knowledge and a lack of reward systems for the provision of collective goods that nature-inclusive agriculture delivers, such as biodiversity and environmental and landscape quality (Oberč & Schnell, 2020;Runhaar et al, 2018;Schuurbiers et al, 2019;Vermunt et al, 2020). These barriers find their origin in the dominant industrial food regime that is export-oriented, capital intensive 1 and that steers towards ongoing scale enlargement and intensification (Erisman et al, 2016;Pez, 2018;Runhaar et al, 2020).…”