“…VJhile several studies have questioned the utility of 13 the MAC in a domiciliary (Whisler & Cantor, 1966) or inpatient (Uecker,19 70) population, a number of more recent studies have strongly supported its validity in a variety of settings. The percentage of accurate classifications (alcoholic-nonalcoholic) using the MAC has fluctuated between 60 and 82% (Apfeldorf & Hunley, 1975;Clopton, Weiner, & Davis, 19 80;Conley & Kammeier, 19 80;DeGroot & Adamson, 1973;Hoffmann et al, 1974;MacAndrew, 1965MacAndrew, , 1979bRhodes, 1969;Rhodes & Chang, 1978;Uecker, 1970;Vega, 1971;VThisler & Cantor, 1966) . Studies on the MAC in state hospitals (Clopton et al, 1980;Rich & Davis, 1969;VJilliams, McCourt, & Schneider, 1971;VJillis, Wehler, & Rush, 1979) A group of researchers (Hoffmann et al, 1974; studied the MMPI scores of a group of male alcoholics tested during their freshman year in college, who had an average elapsed time of 13 years between college entrance and commencement of treatment for alcoholism.…”