Simultaneous application of nitrification inhibitors and nitrogen fertilizers (containing reduced forms of nitrogen (ammonium and urea) can increase soil acidification caused by these fertilizers. As a result, it can lower soil reaction (pH) and influence the content of available forms of heavy metals and trace elements. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the application of: ENTEC-26 (containing 3.4-dimethylpyrazol phosphate /DMPP/-nitrification inhibitor) and ammonium nitrate on the mineral composition of carrot storage roots. A two-year research was conducted with field cultivation of the carrot cultivar Kazan F 1. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with four replicates. The following combinations with different N fertilization were distinguished: 1-control (without N fertilization), 2-ENTEC-26 35+35, 3-ENTEC-26 70+70, 4-ENTEC-26 105+105, 5-ammonium nitrate 35+35, 6-ammonium nitrate 70+70, 7-ammonium nitrate 105+105, where: 35+35, 70+70 and 105+105 denote nitrogen doses (kg N ha-1) used for pre-plant fertilization and top-dressing, respectively. In carrot storage roots as well as in soil after carrot cultivation, concentrations of Ag,