“…Research on nitrification inhibitors conducted with products such as nitrapyrin (2-chloro 6-trichloromethyl pyridine) and DCD (dicyanamide) did not translate into a widespread commercial use in vegetable crop production (Hendrickson et al 1978, kołota, doBRomilska 1985, amBerGer 1986, frYe et al 2002, HocHmutH 2003. Recently, a new formula of a nitrogen fertilizer containing DMPP nitrification inhibitor (3, 4 dimethylpyrazole phosphate) has been developed and made available under the commercial name ENTEC 26 (HäHndeL, zeruLLa, 2000, hähndel, stRohm 2001, Pasda et al 2001, PasChold et al 2008, kołota, Cho-Hura 2008, Li et al 2008, adamCzewska-sowińska, kRyGieR 2014, smoleń et al 2013. Many field studies have demonstrated its higher efficiency than soluble N sources, expressed either by an increased yield level or a lower demand for N application.…”