“…More recent case reports on alexia have focused on acquired alexias by uncommon etiologies including clotting disorders (Celebisoy, Sagduyu, & Atac, 2005), herpes simplex or toxoplasma encephalitis (Erdem & Kansu, 1995;Luscher & Horber, 1992), tumors (Turgman, Goldhammer, & Braham, 1979), multiple sclerosis (Dogulu, Kansu, & Karabudak, 1996), eclampsia (Sabet, Blake, & Nguyen, 2004), head injuries (Bhatoe & Rohatgi, 2002), status epilepticus (Kutluay, Pakoz, Yuksel, & Beydoun, 2007), Creutzfeld-jakob disease (Adair, Cooke, & Jankovic, 2007), hemorrhage (Thomas & Sanford, 2007), HIV (Garcia, Corral, Cobo, & Quereda, 2006), and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (Little & Goldstein, 2006).…”