“…Since that time, there have been many reports showing that multiple tissue types in MRL mice display healing responses. These include heart myocardium (Leferovich et al, 2001;Haris Naseem et al, 2007;Alfaro et al, 2008), digits (Chadwick et al, 2007;Gourevitch et al, 2009), articular cartilage (Fitzgerald et al, 2008;Rai et al, 2012), intra-articular fractures (Ward et al, 2008), corneal epithelium (Ueno et al, 2005), CNS stem cells and tissue (Hampton et al, 2004;Baker et al, 2006;Balu et al, 2009;Thuret et al, 2009), central and peripheral nerves (Buckley et al, 2011;Thuret et al, 2012) and myometrial healing (Buhimschi et al, 2010). Further, dorsal skin wounds repaired with skin transplants also show enhanced healing without scarring in MRL (Tolba et al, 2010).…”