“…SF 6 is widely used as an electrical insulating gas in various high-voltage electrical and electronic equipment such as circuit breakers, capacitors, transformers, and microwave components because of its high chemical stability and its ability to impede electric breakdown [e.g., Brown, 1966]. Because sulfur hexafluoride can be measured in situ at a level of 1 part of SF 6 in 10 TM parts of air [Clemons et al, 1968], SF 6 has also been used as a meteorological tracer [e.g., Turk et al, 1968;Drivas and Shair, 1974] and was one of the first trace species detected in the stratosphere using gas chromatographic separation and electron capture detectors [Krey et al, 1977a, b]. The atmospheric lifetime of SF 6 may be very long, since there are no known sinks in the troposphere, and SF 6 is transparent to UV photolysis in the stratosphere [Singh et al, 1977[Singh et al, , 1979.…”