“…A. Poldrack et al, 2001;R. Poldrack, Prabhakaran, Seger, & Gabrieli, 1999), so it is not surprising that patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) who experience basal ganglia dysfunction as a result of dopamine neuron loss (Agid, 1991;Agid, Javoy-Agid, & Ruberg, 1987;Hornykiewicz, 1966) experience feedback learning deficits (Ashby et al, 2003;Cools, Barker, Sahakian, & Robbins, 2001;Foerde, Race, Verfaellie, & Shohamy, 2013;Knowlton et al, 1996;D. Shohamy, Myers, Onlaor, et al, 2004;Swainson et al, 2000).…”