DOI: 10.1016/0007-117x(75)90027-x
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A radiological investigation into the age changes of the inferior dental artery

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Cited by 123 publications
(59 citation statements)
References 4 publications
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“…The data demonstrate marked differences in the trabecular bone composition at different skeletal sites with regard to their mineral components and their content of skeletal proteins. Several factors may contribute to this heterogeneity of the bone composition, including differences between bone cell populations derived from different skeletal sites (Kasperk et al 1995), differential biomechanical strain (Lean et al 1995), and/or local differences in the vascular supply of bone (Bradly 1975). Alterations in the concentration of bone components, both minerals and collagenous or noncollagenous proteins, can have significant effects on the mechanical behavior of the bone tissue, and thus make the bone more (or less) resistant to fracture (Burstein et al 1977, Leichter et al 1982, Currey et al 1996.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The data demonstrate marked differences in the trabecular bone composition at different skeletal sites with regard to their mineral components and their content of skeletal proteins. Several factors may contribute to this heterogeneity of the bone composition, including differences between bone cell populations derived from different skeletal sites (Kasperk et al 1995), differential biomechanical strain (Lean et al 1995), and/or local differences in the vascular supply of bone (Bradly 1975). Alterations in the concentration of bone components, both minerals and collagenous or noncollagenous proteins, can have significant effects on the mechanical behavior of the bone tissue, and thus make the bone more (or less) resistant to fracture (Burstein et al 1977, Leichter et al 1982, Currey et al 1996.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The pattern of the blood supply in the mandible is thought to change from one that is largely centrifugal in the young dentate individual, to one that is primarily centripetal, with the supply being increasingly dependent upon periosteal and submuscular sources by the time old age is reached (Castelli, 1963;Wallenius and Heyden, 1972;Bradley, 1975Bradley, , 1981Poirot et al, 1986). This is likely to be of immense importance if the mucosa is used to support a denture (Weinmann and Sicher, 1955;Ortman, 1962), since prolonged pressure could occlude the fine periosteal plexus of vessels.…”
Section: (13) Rate and Duration Of Lossmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…On peut observer un retard d'érup-tion, des agénésies, des dents incluses, des aplasies dentaires, des malformations coronaires et radiculaires, des hypoplasies de l'émail, une absence de desmodonte, une hypominéralisation de la dentine et de l'émail rendant les dents extrê-mement sensibles aux caries, un épaississement de la lamina dura, ainsi qu'une chute prématurée des dents [85,[158][159][160][161][162] . Les anomalies dentaires apparaissent avec l'éruption des premières dents : elles se traduisent par un retard d'éruption et une ankylose qui s'aggravent au cours des années.…”
Section: Anomalies Dentairesunclassified
“…Bien que la transplantation de moelle osseuse ait pu sensiblement améliorer plusieurs cas d'ostéopétrose maligne, elle ne permet pas de rétablir chez l'homme, contrairement à ce qui a pu être démontré chez le rat op, l'éruption des dents ankylosées [162,170] . L'absence de ligament alvéolo-dentaire n'est pas uniquement observée sur les dents incluses ; sur les dents ayant eu une évolution apparemment normale le desmodonte est bien souvent remplacé par une membrane fibreuse [160,161,167] . Cette dernière n'assure pas un ancrage correct de la dent sur l'os, et il n'est pas rare de constater la chute prématurée de dents 2 à 3 ans après leur éruption [160] .…”
Section: Anomalies Dentairesunclassified
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