“…In the case of mesoscale flow, and specifically the thermal IBL at the coast, models for the convective IBL and growth relations have been discussed by Venkatram (1977Venkatram ( , 1986 Stunder and Sethuraman (1985), Bergstrom (1986), Hsu (1986), supported by observational studies of, e.g., Echols and Wagner (1972), Raynor et al (1979), Gamo et al (1982), Bergstrom et al (1988) and Durand et al (1989). For the stably-stratified thermal IBL, Mulhearn (1981), Hsu (1983Hsu ( , 1989 and Doran and Gryning (1987) compared observations of the IBL depth with simple formulations.…”