“…Authors Clustering method (Baker & McCallum, 1998) Distributional clustering ) IB (Verbeerk, 2000a(Verbeerk, , 2000b Agglomerative IB (Bekkerman et al, 2001(Bekkerman et al, , 2003 Agglomerative IB (Mubaid & Umair, 2006) IB One-way clustering: cluster feature space and replace it with a feature cluster representation (Dhillon et al, 2003a) Divisive clustering (Yaniv & Souroujon, 2001) Iterative double clustering (Dhillon et al, 2002(Dhillon et al, , 2003b Information-theoretic coclustering (Dai et al, 2007) Co-clustering classification Co-clustering: cluster both features and documents (Takamura & Matsumoto, 2002); (Takamura, 2003) Two-dimensional clustering Table 1. Clustering as a feature compression and/or extraction method (Fung and Mangasarian, 2001) propose a model for classifying two-class unlabelled data, called clustered concave semi-supervised SVM (CVS 3 VM).…”