C-O diagrams have been introduced as a means to have a more visual representation of normative texts and electronic contracts, where it is possible to represent the obligations, permissions and prohibitions of the different signatories, as well as the penalties resulting from non-fulfillment of their obligations and prohibitions. In such diagrams we are also able to represent absolute and relative timing constraints. In this paper we present a formal semantics for C-O diagrams based on timed automata extended with information regarding the satisfaction and violation of clauses in order to represent different deontic modalities. As a proof of concept, we apply our approach to two different case studies, where the method presented here has successfully identified problems in the specification.Index Terms-Normative documents, electronic contracts, deontic logic, formal verification, visual models, timed automata, C-O diagrams Ç 1 INTRODUCTION I N software context, the term contract has been traditionally used as a metaphor to represent limited kinds of "agreements" between software elements at different levels of abstraction. The first use of the term in connection with software programming and design was by Meyer [1], in the context of the language Eiffel (programming-by-contracts, or design-by-contract), and relied on Hoare's notion of pre and post-conditions and invariants. Though this paradigm has proven to be useful for developing object oriented systems, it seems to have shortcomings for novel development paradigms such as service-oriented computing and componentbased development. These new applications have a more involved interaction and therefore require a more sophisticated notion of contracts.As a response, behavioral interfaces have been proposed to capture richer properties more than simple pre and postconditions [2]. With this specifications, it is possible to express contracts concerning the history of events, including causality properties. However, this approach is limited when it comes to contracts containing exceptional behavior, since the focus is mainly on the interaction concerning expected (and prohibited) behavior.In the context of service oriented architectures (SOA), there are several service contract specification languages, such as ebXML [3], WSLA [4], and WS-Agreement [5]. These standardized specification languages suffer from one or more of the following problems: they are restricted to bilateral contracts, lack formal semantics (so it is difficult to reason about them), their treatment of functional behavior is rather limited and the sub-languages used to specify security constraints are usually limited to small application-specific domains. The lack of suitable languages for contracts in the context of SOA is a clear conclusion of the survey [6] where a taxonomy is presented.Some researchers have investigated variants of deontic logic [7] to specify different aspects of software systems. Deontic logic is concerned (among other things) with the formalization of moral and legal obligati...