DOI: 10.1177/0013124519896841
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A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship Between Prayer and Student Outcomes

Abstract: A meta-analysis, including 13 studies, was undertaken on the relationship between the exercise of student prayer and academic and behavioral outcomes in urban schools. Analyses both with and without sophisticated controls (e.g., socioeconomic status, race, and gender) were used. Additional analyses were done to determine whether the effects of prayer differed by the quality of the study. The results indicated that the exercise of prayer is associated with better levels of student outcomes. Moreover, the effect… Show more

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Cited by 39 publications
(50 citation statements)
References 28 publications
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“…Desde diversos enfoques teóricos y metodológicos, se ha demostrado su importancia en los procesos de mejora de la educación, desarrollo y aprendizaje escolar infantil. Aunque existe consenso respecto a la capacidad predictiva de las condiciones económicas y educacionales de origen de los estudiantes sobre la trayectoria escolar de la infancia (Hartas, 2015), varios metaanálisis de estudios -realizados preeminentemente en países anglosajones-muestran efectos aún más significativos cuando se trata de estudiantes que se desarrollan en medios socialmente desfavorecidos (Castro, Expósito, López, Lizasoain, Navarro & Gaviria, 2015;Jeynes, 2017).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified
“…Desde diversos enfoques teóricos y metodológicos, se ha demostrado su importancia en los procesos de mejora de la educación, desarrollo y aprendizaje escolar infantil. Aunque existe consenso respecto a la capacidad predictiva de las condiciones económicas y educacionales de origen de los estudiantes sobre la trayectoria escolar de la infancia (Hartas, 2015), varios metaanálisis de estudios -realizados preeminentemente en países anglosajones-muestran efectos aún más significativos cuando se trata de estudiantes que se desarrollan en medios socialmente desfavorecidos (Castro, Expósito, López, Lizasoain, Navarro & Gaviria, 2015;Jeynes, 2017).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified
“…Due to the lower overall academic achievement of Latinos, finding ways to improve their educational outcomes is paramount (Eamon, ). Parents exert an important influence on their adolescents’ schooling through both their school‐ and home‐based involvement (Jeynes, ). School‐based parent involvement includes volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning field trips, attending school events, communicating with teachers, and other school personnel, and being involved in decision‐making at school through participation in parent–teacher organizations.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Researchers have noted that Latino parents, in particular, play a critical role in their children’s academic success by providing them support and discussing the importance of obtaining an education (Hill & Torres, ; Hill & Tyson, ). For instance, in a recent meta‐analysis, Jeynes () explained that Latino parents seem to be more persistent than other ethnic groups in their school involvement throughout the entire duration of their children’s schooling. The pattern of involvement among Latinos thus contrasts with the overall decline in parental school involvement typically observed as children age (Hill & Tyson, ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Parental school involvement plays an essential role in determining academic achievement and dropout among Latino youth (e.g., Behnke et al, 2012; Jeynes, 2005, 2007, 2017). Interestingly, low academic achievement is strongly associated with multiple adolescent health risk behaviors.…”
confidence: 99%