“…The authors of these reviews reported that no studies have yet examined the impact of a memory‐therapeutic intervention among people with BD. One intervention, Memory Specificity Training (MeST) (Raes, Williams, et al, ), is regarded as a promising method for improving memory specificity and remediating related symptoms and processes in UD (Eigenhuis, Seldenrijk, Schaik, Raes, & Oppen, ; Raes, Williams, et al, ; Werner‐Seidler et al, ), PTSD (Maxwell et al, ), and Schizophrenia (Blairy et al, ; Ricarte, Hernández‐Viadel, Latorre, & Ros, ). A recent meta‐analysis confirms these effects (Barry et al, ) and concluded that MeST has also been found to improve other processes associated with rAMS, such as deficits in problem solving, future‐oriented thinking, and hopelessness.…”