“…Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that basidiomycetes would play an important role in ancient terrestrial ecosystems, at least from the Early Devonian onward (Taylor and Krings, 2005;Krings et al, 2011a). However, their fossil record is largely from materials in the Mesozoic (Osborn et al, 1989;Hibbett et al, 1997;Krassilov and Makulbekov, 2003;Poinar and Brown, 2003;Smith et al, 2004;Poinar and Buckley, 2007) and Cenozoic (Poinar and Singer, 1990;Magallón-Puebla and Cevallos-Ferriz, 1993;LePage et al, 1997;Poinar, 2011Poinar, , 2014Hibbett et al, 2003;Fleischmann et al, 2007). The fossil record of basidiomycetes in the late Palaeozoic is relatively scarce (Taylor and Krings, 2005;Taylor et al, 2009Taylor et al, , 2014Krings et al, 2011a).…”