DOI: 10.1590/1983-21172013150302
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Desastres, Medios Masivos Y Comunicación Pública De La Ciencia: Entre La Vulnerabilidad Y La Cohesión Social en Colombia Y América Latina

Abstract: The social cohesion is a transversal issue for a great part of the fields of communication studies and of science public communication in Colombia and Latin America. However, the relationship between mass media, disasters and society has been little studied in this national and regional context. It has been even less studied considering crossing approximations of these fields. This paper presents the need to work with objects of study of this nature and they are treated from thematic and methodological points … Show more

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Cited by 5 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 8 publications
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“…Both science and "natural" disasters have to be included when analysing the relation between media and climate change communication in Colombia. Arboleda et al (2011) andHermelin (2013) have observed that during discussions of ENSO (which combines El Niño and La Niña events), the media indistinctively use expressions such as "warm season" (temporada de calor), "drought season" (temporada de sequía) or "heat wave" (ola de calor) when referring to El Niño, and "rainy season" (temporada de lluvias), "winter season" (temporada invernal), "winter wave" (ola invernal) or "rainy wave" (ola de lluvias) when referring to La Niña. In addition, the media -particularly television news, refer to climate change either as something similar to El Niño or La Niña events or as if these events are the cause or consequence of climate change.…”
Section: Climate Change In the Colombian Mediamentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Both science and "natural" disasters have to be included when analysing the relation between media and climate change communication in Colombia. Arboleda et al (2011) andHermelin (2013) have observed that during discussions of ENSO (which combines El Niño and La Niña events), the media indistinctively use expressions such as "warm season" (temporada de calor), "drought season" (temporada de sequía) or "heat wave" (ola de calor) when referring to El Niño, and "rainy season" (temporada de lluvias), "winter season" (temporada invernal), "winter wave" (ola invernal) or "rainy wave" (ola de lluvias) when referring to La Niña. In addition, the media -particularly television news, refer to climate change either as something similar to El Niño or La Niña events or as if these events are the cause or consequence of climate change.…”
Section: Climate Change In the Colombian Mediamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Media studies, particularly related to environment and climate change, have not been a priority for PCST or SAST studies in Colombia. Hermelin (2013) shows how combining the fields of Communication Studies and Social Studies of Science and Technology to study the relationship between disasters, media and society, enlarges the array of possible analyses. This combination of fields can be extended to analyse the relationship between climate change, media and society, and PCST can become particularly pertinent for this.…”
Section: Overview Of Knowledge On Climate Change Communication In Colombiamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…En dicho trabajo se invita a que tal protocolo sea adecuado y adoptado para otros estudios, por ejemplo para temas sobre desastres en los medios en los que se da una intrincada circulación de saberes. Por lo demás, es menester avanzar en análisis de contenido en combinación con análisis semiodiscursivos (Verón, 2002), con sociología de las condiciones de producción y con estudios de recepción (Joye, 2014;Hermelin, 2013), desde ópticas que se crucen con las de la CPCyT (Massarani y Ramalho, 2012;Hermelin, 2017), y que dialoguen con las propias del sub-campo de la comunicación del riesgo (Lundgren y Mac Makin, 2009); esto es necesario especí camente en el contexto colombiano (Ibarra, 2011).…”
Section: Introductionunclassified
“…A pesar de dicho rol, ha habido pocos estudios sobre la construcción noticiosa de este tipo de acontecimientos en Colombia. En ellos se muestra cómo predominan las narrativas sensacionalistas que describen en detalle las consecuencias; y se muestra la ausencia de narrativas que puedan contribuir a la prevención de desastres y que favorezcan la circulación de saberes con este fin (Miralles, 2009;Obregón et al, 2009;Obregón et al, 2010 1 ;Arroyave y Erazo-Coronado, 2016;Hermelin, 2007;Hermelin, 2013). No obstante, es menester indagar sobre los vínculos que hay entre resultados como estos y los destinatarios inscritos en los mensajes noticiosos; esto con el objetivo de detectar pistas sobre las formas de reconocimiento que surgen en las audiencias respecto a estas narrativas hegemónicas.…”
Section: Introductionunclassified