THE ROLE OF FAMILY MEMBERS IN CATTLE RAISING IN MAKALONSOUW VILLAGE EAST TONDANO DISTRICT This study aims to find out the role of family members in the business of keeping beef cattle, as well as the role of family members to access information, institutional aspects of control aspects, aspects of decision making, and aspects of benefits. This research was conducted in Makalonsow Subdistrict, East Tondano in September - October 2019. Types of survey research using qualitative methods. Data collection through interviews using a coesioner to family members of breeders. The selection of sample respondents was determined deliberately purposive, and variable measurement was carried out using the Guttman Scale measuring instrument, the measurement is scored on each answer. The results showed the role of the family to access information from counseling activities, namely the role of husband 100%, the role of wife 0%, access institutions in counseling in the Village Makalonsow Tondano Timur, the role of husband 100%, wife 0%, aspects of control in the maintenance of beef cattle, namely in the activities of cleaning cages, husband 100%, bathing activities of cattle, husband 96.67% children 3.33%, activities of feeding and drinking to beef cattle, husband 60% wife 26.67% and children 13.33% , aspects of farmer decision making in seed purchasing activities, husband 100%, livestock sales, husband 93.33% wife 6.67%, husband's livestock purchase 100%. Based on the results of the study, showed the head of the family played an important role in the business of keeping beef cattle in Makalonsow Village, East Tondano District.
The partnership program-based broiler farming business (main-plasma), located in Regency of North, Province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia is performed due to the limit of capital, skill, market access and lack of ability in projecting fluctuated market demand. In addition, Covid-19 pandemic has provenly affected broiler farming business, showed by declining broiler’s demand and production, particularly on the decreasing income of farmers. Hence, the objective of this research is to examine if it is there is a difference among total of DOC (Day-Old Chick) input, feed conversion ratio (FCR), mortality rate, weight of harvest, raising period, and harvest time, pre- and during Covid-19 pandemic, and analyze some impacts of the existing Covid-19 pandemic and some different variables on the income of the partnership program-based broiler farming business. Technically, the purposive sampling was employed as the sampling method in selecting districts, villages, and farmers. Then, data was analyzed by the paired t-test sample using SPSS 22 and multiple-regression analysis by E-views 11 program. As the result, the paired t-test sample shows that variable of income, total of DOC (Day-Old Chick), FCR, mortality rate, rate of broiler’s weight, raising period, and harvest time in pre- and during Covid-19 pandemic was significantly different, where the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was < 0.05, while, the variable of total of DOC and raising period had significantly positive impact on income, variable of FCR and harvest time had significantly negative impact on farmer’s income. Variable of dummy pandemic could decrease farmer’s income in the partnership program-based broiler farming business; however, it was unimportant.
THE ROLE OF HOUSEHOLD FARMER GROUP ON DEVELOPMENT OF DUCK FARMING SYSTEM IN WEST TONDANO DISTRICT OF MINAHASA REGENCY. Development of animal husbandry was generally intended to improve the human welfare of rural community, mainly increasing the productivity their animal farming system. This effort was mainly done to fulfil the nutritional needs of the communities in rural areas. The animal farming system was changed from the traditional way of animal maintenance into the intensive maintenance, requiring better understanding and knowledge of raising ducks. This research was carried out at the village of Tuutu, West Tondano district of Minahasa regency involving duck household farmer group from January 10, 2017 – 10 April 2017. This research was applied using qualitative research. Data were collected intentionally based on purposive Sampling method, collected from primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data were obtained through direct observation held by interviews with the respondents of duck household farmers applying questions that have been prepared and drawn up in accordance with the research objectives. Secondary data were obtained from existing records in the Office of the head of the local Office and BP3K related with this study. Results of the study showed that all duck household farmer groups at the village of Tuutu, West Tondano district of Minahasa Regency were playing role in development of duck household farming system in making decision, involving the group. These groups were including four groups of Masawa-Sawangan, Tougela, Esa Toroan Waya and Toubeke.Key word: Household farming group, duck farming system development, West Tondano district
ABSTRAKPembangunan peternakan memprioritaskan pada peningkatan produksi yang optimal. Salah satu usaha pendukung dalam mencapai tujuan ini yakni dengan peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas pakan. Masalah klasik dalam budidaya ternak sapi di Desa Ranotongkor Timur adalah kekurangan pakan pada musim kemarau baik kualitas, kontinuitas, maupun kuantitas. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan ternak mengalami kehilangan bobot badan atau kematian anak sapi (pedet) umur <1tahun. Walaupun pakan tersedia sepanjang tahun, namun jumlah dan jenis pakan masih terbatas. Pakan yang dikonsumsi berupa rumput yang tumbuh liar dan limbah pertanian seperti halnya jerami jagung yang terdiri atas daun, batang, dan daun tongkol. Anggota kelompok menanam jagung dan sebagian dari tanaman jagung yang telah berbuah (jagung muda) dipotong dan diberikan kepada ternak sapi. Hal ini dilakukan petani peternak untuk mengurangi biaya pakan. Introduksi rumput dwarf dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk perbaikan kualitas dan kuantitas pakan ternak sapi serta pemanfaatan lahan tidur. Kegiatan penanaman rumput pada lahan percontohan diawali dengan kegiatan penyuluhan mengenai manfaat pengembangan rumput berkualitas untuk meningkatkan penyediaan pakan. Pemberdayaan kelompok ternak sapi Usaha Bersama melalui introduksi rumput dwarf menambah dan memperkaya jenis hijauan pakan ternak dalam upaya perbaikan kualitas pakan. Kesimpulannya, pakan yang cukup dan mempunyai nilai nutrisi tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas ternak sapi di Desa Ranotongkor Timur.Kata kunci: kualitas pakan, introduksi, rumput dwarf, kelompok usaha bersama PENDAHULUAN Pembangunan pertanian merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk membantu petani meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian agar pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani meningkat. Peningkatan produktivitas selain dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal petani juga dipengaruhi oleh peran serta kelompok tani. Kelompok tani adalah sejumlah petani dalam satu wilayah yang dibentuk atas dasar kesamaan kepentingan. Secara filosofis kelompok tani dibentuk untuk memecahkan permasalahan yang tidak dapat diatasi secara individu. Keberadaan lembaga berbasis masyarakat ini memiliki peranan penting dalam mendistribusikan program bantuan, membentuk perubahan perilaku anggotanya, dan menjalin kemampuan kerjasama antar anggota sehingga mampu memiliki wawasan, pengertian, pemikiran minat, tekad, dan kemampuan perilaku berinovasi (Nuryanti dan Swastika 2011).Salah satu lembaga berbasis masyarakat di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yakni Kelompok Usaha Bersama yang berada di desa Ranotongkor Timur Kecamatan Tombariri Timur. Kelompok tani yang dibentuk tahun 2012 bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan anggota melalui upaya peningkatan produktivitas ternak sapi dan tanaman jagung sebagai usaha produktif. Mengingat kedua jenis usaha ini merupakan usaha pertanian yang sudah turun-temurun menjadi andalan usaha pertanian masyarakat.Ditinjau dari topografi wilayah, lokasi kelompok tani berada pada ketinggian 150 meter di at...
THE EXTENSION EFFECT ON THE INCOME OF PIG FARMERS IN KIAWA DUA TIMUR VILLAGE, KAWANGKOAN UTARA SUB-DISTRICT. The research was conducted in Kiawa Dua Timur village, Kawangkoan district, Minahasa district for one month from June to July 2020. This study aims to determine the effect of counseling on increasing the income of pig farmer groups in Minahasa Regency by taking the case in Kiawa Dua Timur village, Kawangkoan Utara district. This research applies survey research in the form of descriptive tabular. Descriptive analysis is used to explain general things then tabular is used to explain the relationship between variables in tabular form. The survey was conducted by interview method with a questionnaire guide. Interviews were conducted using structured interview methods and questionnaire data collection methods which were distributed to thirty respondents of farmers. The results of study showed that extension services have a very big influence on increasing the income of the members of the pig farmers in the village of Kiawa Dua Timur. The income of farmers before counseling was Rp. 5.833 / month. Meanwhile, the farmer's income after the counseling was Rp.880.333/ month. The pig farming business carried out by the farmer group in Kiawa Dua Timur Village, North Kawangkoan District is economically profitable and feasible to develop.
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