twice recrystnllised from hot ivntcr. Found C28.7, H 4.8, Zn 2G.8yo ; cnlculntnl for zinc lactate, C 29.6, I1 4.1, %II 26.9%.The iirJlitciice of pfZ ojt /c.r/itre.-Ati ncid, cheesy tnste nnd n clinrncteristit: testurc \vcrc noticen1)le in n scrnnible ~vlien tlie 1'11 of tlic s:irnplc ivns roughly i nntl Iicc:inic incrensingly nppnretit :it lower $1 viiliics. A norniiil tcsturc could lie obtnincd by iidjustitig the p I i of the reconstituted liquid to iibout 8.6 1)y t.lic ntltlition of caustic s o h Idore scrnnibling. Tliis treatnicnt iilso iinprovcd tlie flavour : for csnniple, tlic iliivour score4 of t h e ncitl snniples ivns incrciisctl froni 3 to 6. The iniprorcincnt wns, Iio\vever, liniitcd to the removal of the acid tiiste n i d the scr;uiililcs still lind nn unpliwritnt ofi-flnruur. Th:it tcstiire wis n function of pH wis confirnictl by niGling liyclrocliloiic iicid to a xiontin1 reconstituted snniplc until thc 1'11 wis 6 . 5 ; the scr;iuil)lc prcpnrel froni this niixtiirc hntl tlie siitiie chmncteristic tcst,urc :is tlic ncitl coniniercinj sniiiplcs. coitiiiiercid scfijiplcs nJ low $1 n d hi!gh F.F.d. coii/c)tt.-ii few coiiinicrciiil RIIIII~ICS of tlrictl egg of low pH were found to coiitnin lnrgc nnioiints nf F.F.:\., e.y., t,he ncitlity of tlic ctlicr cstrnct wns iis high ils 65 nil. .hilyscs of two sucli sninplcs :ire quoted below ; tlicse snniplcs had not I~ccit stored nt high tcnipcrntiircs. * dried otit o \ w pliosphorus pelitoxide a t 90' u., niid then cquilibruted to tlilTerent Iittiiosphcres in n series of stiigcs of incrensing huinitlities 1111 to n iitiisittiitni of 0.80 (SOYo scitnriitiotl) n 1~1 'tlum II scriw of llncc'Lliornu, i/id.. 135. llrccirril Scptembrr 17. 1013 1 lJnte.Sniitli, Ilruiilt~. iind lliiwtl~urni~, J.S.C.I., 11)1:1, 62, 1B7. 9 Cllelll. s: 1lll1.. LUW, (15% 3 .I. Hyyieiw. I!U!B, 39. 413. 4 annc, .I.S.C.I., 11M1, 80.44.