The object of the study is a model of an apartment in new multi-story buildings, which are evaluated by customers in the process of their purchase. It has been practically established that one of the most problematic areas is the processing of the results of subjective evaluations of customers who give their impressions of a particular apartment and wish to determine its preliminary value. To eliminate this problem, the authors proposed to use an approach using a Petri net, which is characterized by the dynamics of changes due to the application of a genetic algorithm. The obtained result, which is expressed both qualitatively and quantitatively, makes it possible to minimize the use of financial and human resources in the process of concluding a contract for the purchase and sale of an apartment. This is due to the fact that the ambiguity during processing of the model proposed by the authors is eliminated using the method of fuzzy logic derivation according to the Mamdani algorithm. This approach has a number of features: the ability to work with subjective data, to generalize them, without involving a complex mathematical apparatus. Thanks to this, an increase in the financial capabilities of the construction company is ensured due to an increase in the transparency of the formation of the price for an apartment in a new building, a reduction of unnecessary costs by almost 90%. On the part of the client, the cost of time and money to attract additional services of specialists is reduced by more than half. This approach will help the client to analyze the comfort factors of living in the apartment he wants to buy. The developed model is proposed to be used in the fields of construction and real estate services. This will make it possible to improve the conditions of buying and selling an apartment in a new building. The condition for the practical use of the obtained results is the commissioning of the building in which the apartment is evaluated. And also a simple and friendly system interface in which the model studied by the authors will be implemented.
що щільність забудови мегаполісів негативно впливає на психічний стан міського населення, але водночас житлова нерухомість в Україні відіграє важливу роль в економіці держави. В сучасному розвитку будь-якої країни, яка відчуває на собі значний вплив політики та економіки, проблема комфортності житла є досить складною та малодослідженою задачею, що стоїть перед міським будівництвом. Також зміни, що відбулися протягом останнього десятиліття під впливом розвитку новітніх інформаційних технологій і технічного обладнання в будівництві, мають бути враховані проєктувальниками для зведення затишного житла, під яким розуміється психологічний комфорт, гармонія між простором житлового середовища та внутрішнім суб'єктивним задоволенням. Через це необхідно дослідити усі фактори та процеси, що описують взаємодію між вищевказаними елементами. На сьогодні пропонуються різноманітні містобудівні концепції. Один з цих напрямів орієнтований на пішохода, інший-на екстер'єр багатоквартирних будинків, тобто всі вони вже почали враховувати комфорт, норми якого є вже на стадії обговорення відповідних державних органів. І хоча стандарти житлової нерухомості пропонують ряд переваг, до яких належать і закрита та безпечна територія, і підземний паркінг тощо, але, на жаль, в цих наявних нормах майже нічого не говориться про параметри психологічного комфорту. Однією з причин є те, що сучасне містобудування більш орієнтоване на ціну за метр квадратний, а не на внутрішній (психологічний) комфорт. Отже, в статті авторами викладені загальні теоретичні питання системного аналізу інформаційних процесів, що описують комфортність житлового середовища з точки зору внутрішніх (психологічних) особливостей здоров`я мешканців багатоквартирних будинків, з урахуванням різних факторів та параметрів, які впливають на якісне проживання в такому типі будинків. Особливу увагу приділено інформаційним процесам у діяльності міського будівництва в сучасних умовах нестабільності і криз, що відбуваються в суспільстві, економіці та інших соціальних сферах, оскільки найважливішою і основною вимогою, яка стоїть перед сучасним житлом є гармонійне поєднання фізіологічних і психологічних ознак комфортного життя.
The current state of construction and design of an apartment building in terms of comfort does not cover all the necessary aspects for the residence of future residents. Quantitative criteria are usually used, an excessive number of which, unfortunately, cannot improve the substance of the case between all the actors involved. This paper discusses the method of fuzzy description of uncertainty to assess the comfort of an apartment building using software products to find results over fuzzy values. A comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of comfort, which are determined in conditions of uncertainty, which makes it difficult to make the optimal decision. Therefore, when evaluating all the influencing factors that affect the comfort of housing, it is proposed to apply fuzzy logic and choose a function that at certain input parameters corresponds to the representation of formalized terms in the study of membership functions. The theory of fuzzy logic makes it possible to reflect various methods of constructing fuzzy sets for the needs of the subject research described below. Fuzzy set theory is used to describe the comfort of an apartment building by calculating fuzzy numbers. Subjective logic is also a non-additive theory of uncertainty, namely its theory of possibilities, as well as a universal tool for modeling, on the basis of which the subject research is built. In addition, fuzzy sets have strong logical foundations in multitasking logic. The application of this fuzzy set to this topic has influenced the multi-criteria assessment of the quality of comfort of a high-rise building, and also helped to bring optimization methods to the needs of users. Therefore, a fuzzy set can take on any meaning of a linguistic variable, which includes certain terms to describe the comfort of a residential apartment.
A study was conducted using the Dataflow diagramming to describe the information flows of the subject area "Comfortable living in an apartment building", where the construction process is presented in the form of a decomposition diagram and construction of a context diagram of the 0th level. Therefore, the DFD chart includes the following indicators of comfort: 1. Factors of comfortable living in the neighborhood. 2. Factors of comfort of the house territory. 3. Factors of home comfort. 4. Factors of apartment comfort, as well as a description of external entities (expert, buyer, construction company) and their impact on all indicators of comfort. Next, we present and describe the input and output data streams in which information is determined and transmitted from the source (process, external entities) to the receiver (external entities, processes). After constructing the context diagram, we obtained a complex system, which is further presented in the form of a hierarchy of the context diagram of the 1st level and contains a set of four subsystems and is connected by data streams and form data warehouses (environment, fuzzy set, norm), which are the prototype of the future database. As a result of research of the DFD chart of the 1st level we received: 1. The main functions are defined. 2. Described objects. 3. The main data streams are defined. 3. Creating an information system using data warehouses. The following is the 2nd level of the DFD chart and we use it for a detailed description of the information system, which provides an opportunity to consider in more detail the work of the designed system "Comfort of the neighborhood", namely the detail of the lower level process. Accordingly, each process coexists with the top-level process and I use the structural process numbers. We detail the process of the DFD chart of the 1st level 1.2, which contains 2 processes: (processing pedestrian accessibility, 1.2.2 Processing noise level) and describes the hierarchy of input and output data streams into the system. Next, we move from data warehouses to building a database model, which we present in the form of such diagrams (conceptual model, data model and physical model). The first step is to build a conceptual design, which is described using a table called "Attributes of entities and the relationship of entities). The second stage is the creation of a data model based on the created "Connection of entities", and has the following external keys: (norm, fuzzy set, linguistic variable). Next, we present a physical model where Microsoft SQL Server was processed and the data types are specified accordingly.
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