Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, katedra ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence 2 Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě, oddělení resuscitační péče o novorozence, Praha summary In general, the palliative care is defined as a complex nursing and medicinal care provided for incurable patients who cannot be healed by using tools of contemporary medicine. For adult patients, this care is most typically provided in hospices or at departments of hospitals, which are adjusted to this care and equipped with technological background as well as professional human sources. It is currently possible to state that in each region of the Czech Republic, there is a hospice providing incurable patients with palliative and hospice care. Specialized palliative care is provided here for patients and their families. However, severely and incurably diseased patients also include children. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed by generally accepted desire that children should not die. In all the age categories, there are still diseases, which cannot be healed by methods of modern medicine. Under our conditions, these children are most frequently hospitalized in hospital institutions. Members of the personnel attempt to provide them with this specialized care. In the Czech Republic, the Foundation Klíček is currently most considerably involved in these health and social problems, and also manages an only hospice institution for children in the Czech Republic territory. The present article attempts to elucidate principles of providing children with the palliative and hospice care based on knowledge resulting from taking care of adults. The basic principles are very similar, but in certain aspects, they are contrastingly different and quite specific for paediatric patients and their families. key words: palliative care-hospice care-respite care-children ošetřovatelství souhrn Paliativní péče se obecně definuje jako komplexní ošetřovatelská a léčebná péče o nevyléčitelně nemocné, které současná medicína nedokáže uzdravit. Tato péče se dospělým pacientům nejčastěji poskytuje v hospicích nebo na nemocničních odděleních, která jsou pro tuto péči přizpůsobena a vybavena jak technologickým zázemím, tak personálním obsazením z řad odborníků. V současnosti můžeme říci, že v každém kraji České republiky funguje hospicové zařízení, které poskytuje paliativní a hospicovou péči nevyléčitelně nemocným. Pacientům a jejich rodinám je zde poskytnuta služba specializované paliativní péče. Mezi vážně a nevyléčitelně nemocné však patří i děti. Bohužel na tom nic nezmění ani obecně míněné přání, že děti by neměly umírat. Stále se ve všech věkových kategoriích vy
Katedra anesteziologie, resuscitace, intenzivní a perioperační péče, Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, Brno Článek zmiňuje výsledky šetření prevalence poranění kůže novorozenců a způsobů jejich ošetřování a léčby, které proběhlo v roce 2020 v perinatologických centrech České republiky a na dalších dvou neonatologických odděleních. Výsledky porovnává podle typu oddělení, porodní hmotnosti a týdne gestace sledovaných novorozenců. Z výsledků šetření vyplynulo, že bylo v České republice zaznamenáno nejvíce poranění kůže v důsledku infiltrace a extravazace, dále pak následkem používání dráždivých mycích přípravků, nešetrného stržení náplastí nebo elektrod, na dalším místě bylo identifikováno poranění kůže spojené se zvýšenou vlhkostí a na pátém místě byl výskyt dekubitů, vzniklých převážně následkem použití zdravotnických prostředků. Z ošetřovatelských a léčebných metod převažovala ta klasická, která využívá krémy, masti, roztoky a gázová krytí, a na druhém místě byla metoda vlhkého hojení ran. Jednou byla využita také metoda podtlaková.Klíčová slova: poranění kůže, novorozenec, výsledky šetření, ošetřování a léčba. Results of the investigation of neonatal skin injury prevalenceThe paper deals with the results of the investigation of neonatal skin injury prevalence and methods of their nursing and treatment, which was conducted in 2020 in the perinatology centers of the Czech Republic and also at two additional neonatology departments. The results are compared according to the type of department, birth weight and gestational week of the observed newborns. The results of the survey showed that the highest number of skin injuries was caused by infiltration and extravasation, then by use of irritant cleansers and by insensitive removal of adhesives or electrodes. Skin integrity impairment connected with increased moisture took the next place according to frequency of occurrence. Incidence of pressure ulcers caused by use of medical devices took the 5 th place. The classic method, which uses creams, ointments, solutions and gauze dressings, was the most widely used method of wound healing, followed by the method of wet wound healing. The vacuum method was once used.
Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů (NCO NZO) Brno, katedra ARIP Summary The communication deals with a survey of motivations and opinions of paediatric nurses working at intensive care units, who applied for the special education in the ARIP programme (anaesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care in paediatrics). The target of the project was to acquire data from nurses, who have just completed this type of study. The author searched for questions, what their expectations were and whether they were fulfilled, if they familiarized their colleagues with knowledge acquired in the course of the study, how their knowledge was accepted and also whether physicians were interested in their study. The intention of the author was to use the knowledge from the project as a feedback for the existing method of the special education and for the preparation of a new programme and choice of new lecturers. The results of the project indicated that the study fulfilled the expectations of nurses in spite of the fact that their application for the study was rather a decision of the employee than their own choice. In the motivation of nurses, attempts to complete or amplify their knowledge, interest in the problems, enhancement of the qualification, acquiring of new knowledge or only attempts to acquire a special qualification were prevalent. There was a very positive finding that nurses transferred new knowledge from the study to each other and that this was also typical in the past. Their knowledge was mostly accepted by other colleagues with interest, except for two negative cases. Introduction of new methods into practice did not posed considerable problems, though if some leavers were not still sufficiently courageous. Physicians were not interested very much in the study of nurses, but they also liked helping them. The nurses explained the low interest of physicians in different ways: low interest in nurses at all; some of them simply did not know what the reason was.
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