Leasable mineral and waterpower land classification map, Arminto quadrangle, Wyoming, showing lands withdrawn, classified, and valuable prospectively for leasable minerals and occurrences of other selected mineraJ_s, lands withdrawn or classified for waterpower and reservoir sites: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept. 74-165, scale 1:250,000. _ _ _ 1974b, Leasable mineral and waterpower land classification map, Glasgow quadrangle, Montana, showing lands withdrawn, classified, and valuable prospectively for leasable minerals and occurrences of other selected minerals, lands withdrawn or classified for waterpower and reservoir sites: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file map 74-264, 1 map with overlay, scale 1:250,000. [In press as Misc. Geol. Inv. Map I-1014.] 1974c, Leasable mineral and waterpower-1-and classification map, Roundup quadrangle, Montana, showing lpnds withdrawn, classified, and valuable prospectively for leasable minerals and occurrences of other selected minerals, lands withdrawn or classified for waterpower and reservoir sites: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file map 74-269, 1 map, scale 1:250,000. 1974d, Leasable mineral and waterpower-land classification map, Forsyth quadrangle, Montana, showing lands withdrawn, classified, and valuable prospectively for leasable minerals and occurrences of other selected minerals, lands withdrawn or classified for waterpower and reservoir Bateman, A. F., Jr., Allen, E. G., and Giles, G. C., 1974a, Leasable mineral and waterpower land classification map, Kalispell quadrangle, Montana, showing lands withdrawn, classified, and valuable prospectively for leasable minerals and occurrences of other selected minerals, lands withdrawn or classified for waterpower and reservoir sites: U.