DOI: 10.12681/eadd/22059
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Συμβολή Στη Συνδυαστική Σεισμική Τομογραφία Διαφορετικών Ειδών Σεισμικών Δεδομένων

Abstract: Γενικά αναζητούμε για έναν καινούριο φυσικό νόμο με την ακόλουθη διαδικασία: Αρχικά υποθέτουμε έναν. Στη συνέχεια υπολογίζουμε τις συνέπειες που θα υπήρχαν εάν ο νόμος που υποθέσαμε ίσχυε. Μετά συγκρίνουμε τα αποτελέσματα των υπολογισμών μας με τη Φύση, μέσω του πειράματος είτε της εμπειρίας, αντιπαραθέτοντάς τα με τις παρατηρήσεις για να διαπιστώσουμε αν δουλεύει. Αν υπάρχει διαφωνία με το πείραμα, τότε ο νόμος είναι λάθος. Σε αυτή την απλή παράθεση, βρίσκεται το κλειδί για την επιστήμη."

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Cited by 1 publication
(2 citation statements)
References 12 publications
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“…The ray paths required for determining the P-wave travel times are calculated using the high frequency approximation of the elastic wave equation in two steps. First, Dijkstra"s algorithm (e.g., Dijkstra, 1959;Moser, 1991;Bogiatzis, 2010) is applied to compute a first estimation of the ray path, in the sense of the fastest path that connects the source and the station following the Fermat"s principle (e.g., Bóna & Slawinski, 2003;Červený, 2005). The ray path is constructed from linear segments that connect different nodes of the model, and the time delay along each segment is approximated by considering its length and the average of the velocities between the nodes it connects.…”
Section: Forward Problemmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…The ray paths required for determining the P-wave travel times are calculated using the high frequency approximation of the elastic wave equation in two steps. First, Dijkstra"s algorithm (e.g., Dijkstra, 1959;Moser, 1991;Bogiatzis, 2010) is applied to compute a first estimation of the ray path, in the sense of the fastest path that connects the source and the station following the Fermat"s principle (e.g., Bóna & Slawinski, 2003;Červený, 2005). The ray path is constructed from linear segments that connect different nodes of the model, and the time delay along each segment is approximated by considering its length and the average of the velocities between the nodes it connects.…”
Section: Forward Problemmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The connectivity stencil is formed by the 27 closest nodes, except for those near the edges of the model, where the number is reduced accordingly. Next, the initial ray path is further optimized by means of the pseudo-bending method following the Fermat"s principle (e.g., Moser et al, 1992;Papazachos & Nolet, 1997;Bogiatzis, 2010), and using Polak-Ribiere non-linear conjugate-gradient method (Press et al, 1997). To avoid being trapped into local minima and/or regions where the gradient of the travel time functional is relatively flat, a multistart approach is followed.…”
Section: Forward Problemmentioning
confidence: 99%