ABSTRACT. The zero-plane displacement (d) and the roughness length (z 0 ) of sparse shrubs in semi-arid region were determined by the conventional (statistical) method during the HAPEX-Sahel experiment. Measurements of the wind profile at four levels above of surface (3.0, 4.1, 5.3 and 8.5 m) and eddy correlation turbulent fluxes determined at 9 m were used. The method was applied in neutral atmospheric conditions, with stability parameter ζ < |0.0325|, wind speed > 1 m s −1 in the lower level and the friction velocity > 0.1 m s −1 determined by eddy correlations. Approximately 4.3% of the observation satisfied these restrictions, but only 1% had adequate fetch conditions. The value of d was equal to 1.09 ± 0.14 m and it represented about 53% of the height of the vegetation (h) and z 0 = 0.184 ± 0.017 m = 0.089h. The data selection criteria used was satisfactory, but the applicability of the method is restricted by the difficulties in observing adiabatic conditions and adequate fetch. Alternative estimates with a single height of measurement above the inertial sublayer gave physically inconsistent estimates of d and z 0 .Keywords: zero-plane displacement, roughness length, roughness sublayer, fetch, HAPEX-Sahel. Palavras-chave: deslocamento do plano zero, comprimento de rugosidade, subcamada rugosa, bordadura, HAPEX-Sahel.
RESUMO. O deslocamento do plano zero