“…In 2008, the APA sponsored the most recent gathering of 80 faculty members at the University of Puget Sound. Nine study groups produced Undergraduate Education in Psychology: A Blueprint for the Future of the Discipline (Halpern, 2010) with chapters on: psychologically literate citizens (McGovern et al, 2010); toward a scientist-educator model of teaching psychology (Bernstein et al, 2010); the undergraduate psychology curriculum: Call for a core (Dunn et al, 2010); psychology students today and tomorrow (Littleford et al, 2010); when and where people learn from psychological science: The sun never sets (Ewing et al, 2010); a contextual approach to teaching: Bridging methods, goals, and outcomes (Chew et al, 2010); teaching and learning in a digital world (Millis et al, 2010); promising principles for translating psychological science into teaching and learning (Worrell et al, 2010); desired outcomes of an undergraduate education in psychology from developmental, student, and societal perspectives (Landrum et al, 2010).…”