“…Notch activity has since been shown to directly promote the transcription of ACTA2 (Noseda et al, 2006), and Notch-induced transcription of ACTA2 was repressed by HRT transcription factors (Tang, Urs, & Liaw, 2008). Overall, the preponderance of data supports the hypothesis that Notch signaling in VSMCs promotes contractile differentiation (Baeten et al, 2015; Boscolo et al, 2011; Boucher, Gridley, & Liaw, 2012; Doi et al, 2006; Domenga et al, 2004; High et al, 2008, 2007; Lin & Lilly, 2014b; Liu et al, 2010; Meng, Zhang, Lee, & Wang, 2013; Noseda et al, 2006; Tang et al, 2010; Wang et al, 2012), which fits with our understanding of its role in development of the vessel wall and response to contact-induced signaling with endothelial cells (Baeten et al, 2015; Gaengel, Genove, Armulik, & Betsholtz, 2009; High et al, 2008; Hoglund & Majesky, 2012; Lilly & Kennard, 2009; Lin & Lilly, 2014a, 2014b; Liu et al, 2009; Manderfield et al, 2012; Regan & Majesky, 2009; Wang et al, 2012). …”