We consider the sequences of matrix bi-orthogonal polynomials with respect to the bilinear forms ·, · R and ·, · L P(z 1 ), Q(z 2 ) R = T×T P(z 1 ) † L(z 1 )dµ(z 1 , z 2 )Q(z 2 ),is the set of matrix Laurent polynomials of size p × p and L(z) is a special polynomial in L p×p [z] . A connection formula between the sequences of matrix Laurent bi-orthogonal polynomials with respect to ·, · R, (resp. ·, · L) and the sequence of matrix Laurent bi-orthogonal polynomials with respect to dµ(z 1 , z 2 ) is given. (2010). 42C05 15A23 30C10. Keywords. Matrix biorthogonal polynomials, matrix-valued measures, nondegenerate continuous bilinear forms, Gauss-Borel factorization, matrix Christoffel transformations, quasideterminants, block CMV Matrices.
Mathematics Subject ClassificationRecently, Cantero, Marcellán, Moral and Velázquez [14] presented an approach to the Darboux transformations for CMV matrices. In particular, for the Christoffel transformation they show that given a Hermitian polynomial L(z), a linear functional µ (supported on the unit circle) and the perturbed oneμ = L(z)µ, if L(C) has Cholesky factorization L(C) = AA † , then L(Ĉ) = A † A, where C andĈ are the CMV matrices associated with µ andμ, respectively.On the other hand, in [38] the authors deal with a measure supported on the unit circle multiplied by a non-negative trigonometric polynomial g(θ). Using the fact that for g(θ) there exists a positive integer number m ∈ N and a polynomial G 2m (z) of degree 2m such that g(θ) = z −m G 2m (z), they give a determinantal expression for the perturbed monic orthogonal polynomial of degree n multiplied by G 2m (z). In this expression, the original orthogonal polynomials, from degree n until degree n + m, their corresponding reversed polynomials (see Eq. (1)) as well as the zeros of the polynomial G 2m (z), are involved.